Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reflective Response to Paper 3 Assignment (due 10/22)

Post a brief summary of the paper 3 assignment in your own words. What topic would you like to discuss for your paper?


Sandy Rambow said...

The Paper 3 Assignment is based on our experiences and knowledge on friendship. We are supposed to write an essay that includes not only the good and happy things about friendship but also some of the negative things that can come from friendships. For example, a negative aspect of friendship could be putting all of your trust into one friend and all of a sudden they turn their back on you. I think by giving some of the negative aspects of friendship, it would depict the actual meaning of “friendship” better because in reality, they are not always perfect. Sometimes it’s hard to keep friendships going when we are faced with obstacles like distance, and other people. This is what I plan to write about in my paper. I have a strong relationship with one of my friends because we have gone through some of those obstacles. Pushing through and keeping in touch has kept our friendship lasting for eleven years. I believe without any problems or disruptions in friendships, there would be no point in them because they wouldn’t have any meaning. A friend is usually someone who is there for you at hard times and not just the good times. There is always going to be something whether it’s a person or some other matter that will at some point attempt to ruin a friendship. This is the point where we find out how true the friendship is. Many times this is when we lose the “friendship” we thought we had.

thutton said...

In the paper 3 assignment we are supposed to write about an experience or observation that defines what a friendship means to me, and also explain the positive and negative things that go on during a friendship. In my paper I'm going to write about my friendship with my highschool friend Cricket. We have a very strong relationship even now that I have moved away to college. We have a lot of good times throughout our friendship, but we have had some fights and disagreements along the way which I will later explain in my paper. I do not like this paper as much as the other ones because I have a lot of very close friends and it was hard to choose which one I wanted to write about but I finally decided. I hope after I read some of the stories in the unit they will make me realize more things, positive or negative, that I have gone through with Cricket and it will make it a good paper.

Jennifer Greselin said...

We are going to have to use our own experiences with friends to write this paper and explain what friendship means to us. We are not only going to be writing about positive experiences with friends but also about the negative things we have experienced with particular friends. Friends are not always who they seem to be, and can hurt and betray you even if you have been friends with them for a long time. I had a situation in high school with my best friend who I had for a very long time where she lied to me and did something very hurtful behind my back. I found it impossible to be friends with her after this happened, and to this day we do not even talk. I would have never thought we would stop being friends, and that is why I was so shocked she would do something like that. I think that a good friend is honest, caring, and supportive. In my paper I plan to write about my friends who have these qualities, and also about ones who do not. Now that I am away from my friends from home, I can see who are good friends to keep and which ones are not.

Meghan said...

I believe the paper 3 assignment is about exploring relationships with your friends. It’s about taking the time to ask yourself what friendship actually means to you. In my paper 3 assignments I would like to talk about two friendships in general. One friendship has been a part of my life since I was a toddler, while the other was established five years ago. However, both have had an emotionally and physical effect on my life and have helped me determine how I define friendship. In my paper I plan to explain how friendship to me is based on understanding, support, and the ability to except change. While at the same time it’s about goodbyes, lost memories, and that summer you wish you could relive. The paper 3 assignment will be an emotional one to write, but I think in the end the readers will have a clear understanding of how I define friendship and what it means to me.

Shealene Bretz said...

For paper 3, the assignment is to describe what a good friend or a friendship really means to me. We are going to be talking about experiences we have encountered throughout friendships and in the process of making a friendship. There are both positive and negative aspects of a friendship and we will be able to explain these occurrences. I plan on writing about one of my closest friends that I have such a close relationship with even though we both moved to different colleges. Most friendships have negative parts to it such as arguments and fights but I can honestly say I have never got in any fights or arguments whatsoever with this friend. I think this is very special about our relationship because I could be with her every day and not one argument would happen. She has been a positive influence on me and I plan on writing about that and our great relationship in my paper and what makes this relationship so special to me. Even though I like to write about positive things in my paper, I am going also acknowledge another relationship that started out to be successful but then ended not so great. I am still a friend with this individual because I have been friends with her for about 12 years but things that have definitely changed. I think I will enjoy this paper a lot because I will be able to reflect on my different relationships and show how they have affected me.

Casey Miller said...

In the Paper 3 Assignment, I will be describing the different aspects of friendship. I will discuss the good parts and the bad parts of it. My own experiences can help support my ideas and thoughts of friendship. Friendship will be defined through my eyes. When I write this paper, I want to use different friends when I talk about negative and positive aspects. I think I already know the specific friends and group of friends that I would like to use to support my thoughts. I know the friends that have truly had a positive affect on me and the friends that have had more of a negative affect on me. In my paper, I might discuss how I think friendship can be a rollercoaster. It’s an adventure from the beginning, filled with many high points, and some drastic falls. I have learned a lot about myself and about people in general from my friends. I will probably incorporate what I learned from them into my paper as I describe what friendship means to me. I think this paper will be similar to Paper 1 and Paper 2 because you are still looking at “self.” Self will be defined by how one defines friendship.

DMitch said...

The theme of the Paper 3 Assignment is “Self with Friends.” The essay wants my classmates and I to define what friendship means to us through our past experiences. Positive and negative aspects of friendship should be discussed in the writing because relationships are not always going to be perfect. I am not sure if I want to focus on a mostly positive and close friendship or a negative friendship with a person I used to be close to. They are both good options and would make for interesting literature. As of this moment, I am leaning towards a positive relationship. It is hard to choose which friends or friendships that I would want to write about because I have many close friends who have been there for me whenever I needed them to be. I believe this assignment is going to be more difficult for me to write than the “Self with Family” Paper because I have a lot more options to consider. Therefore, I must choose the friendships involving attention-grabbing and exciting experiences that will make for a quality paper.

Steve Wainwright said...

The purpose of the paper 3 assignment is for the writer to explore how a relationship with a friend has affected who they are. Through exploring this relationship and by using past experiences, the reader should be able to get an idea of how the relationship has changed or shaped how the writer is. In order to achieve this, the writer must use specific examples to back up the points that are brought up, and the writer must try and take a different view of the situation in order to make it enthralling for the reader. I think this paper will be easy to write-as in past papers, we are writing about things that have happened first-hand to us, and writing about how we ourselves were affected. This, in my mind, is much easier than research writing because you already have the research for this paper up in your head. All the effort that's needed is to dig through your thoughts, put them down in a logical for, and make it interesting for the reader. If I do all of these things, i think my paper will be a great success.

Zara said...

The paper three assignment is an assignment based on friendship. It still fits the theme of how we define ourself and makes us who we are but in a way that deals with friends. The assignment is on how experiences with friends help us mold the type of friend we prefer. We pick certain elements that help us decide what we want in a friendship or friend. Also, the assignment is to show that friendships are not always positive but that some are sour. Both positive and negative friendships have an effect on us.

Trevor said...

The paper 3 assignment is about self with friends and the influence the relationship with them has had on you. I would like to write about a friendship that had a negative influence on my life in the past. The reason I am going to choose to do a negative relationship over a positive one is because I learned several lessons from it so in a way it was also positive.

Stacey T. said...

The Paper Assignment 3 wants the writer to take their own perspective on friendships and describe what a friendship means to them. I think that friendships are some sort of test of time. There are people who come into your life for a brief moment and there are people who stay in it for a long period of time. Oftentimes, the people who are in your life for a long period of time have some sort of effect on who you were, who you are, and who you are going to become. I think that friendships can be both negative and positive. Either way you gain something from this, whether it is a friend or a learning experience. In my paper, I am going to write about two particular friendships and how they evolved from one another. I would categorize these friendships as both negative and positive. While I no longer talk to either individual, the friendship breakups did not end badly and I gained a lot of knowledge living through both of them. My personality grew throughout each experience and I do not regret any of the decisions that were made. I feel that people come and go everyday, and very few will be beside you throughout the journey of life.

Candida said...

In essay 3, you will get to use your past experiences and past or present friendships to define what friendships means to me. I am glad to be able to explain how and what friendship means to me. This essay will help to explain how friendship molds and influences the person that I am today. I am not sure what sides of the relationship that I will choose, negative or positive relationships. I think that I might choose a positive relationship to better help me explain what friendship means to me.

Chris Dennis said...

I believe the paper 3 assignment is about how your friendships have influenced you. The person you are today is becuase of who your friends are. You are more likely to smoke if you best friend does. Your friends influence who you are as a person. Whether its a positive or a negative relationship, it will influence the way you act, and think.

Chris Dennis said...

I believe the paper 3 assignment is about how your friendships have influenced you. The person you are today is becuase of who your friends are. You are more likely to smoke if you best friend does. Your friends influence who you are as a person. Whether its a positive or a negative relationship, it will influence the way you act, and think.

J. Kennerly said...

In my own words the paper 3 assignment is about friendship and what that person means to me. How dependable that person is and if they are there for my well being or are they just in the way. My paper is about my friendship with my bestfreind and how our friendship has developed over the years. Even though we had our arguements we still have remained friends.

jbyron said...

Paper three's topic "Self with Friends" will be a very easy and fun topic to write about I think. We can define friendship and what it means to us. I think the main reasons this may be very fun is because we get to talk about our experiences and times with friends. How they shaped us, how they influence us, and even what they have done to get us where we are in our lives. I think that my main topic for paper three will be my experiences throughout my life with them. My friends have been a great part of who I am and what I have become today.

tscott said...

The paper 3 assignment is basically, you writing from a personal point of view how you define the word, and action of friendship and what it means to you. When doing this you should be able to identify or relate by using your own experiences with friends regardless if they were negative or positive. The overall outcome should be you defining friendship based on your terms or life experiences and what effects it had on you, or the effect it had on you. When writing my paper I will follow pattern A and discuss friendship in the sense of it being real and "true". I will discuss experience with those friends that I truly believe are my real friends no matter what, (right, or wrong). Friends who keep it real, and will not pass judgment yet, help you get through it your way or let you know something is just not right.